Yéssica Irania Ortíz Ampérez, Summer Practitioner (U. SCSR)

Yéssica studies at the University of San Carlos Sede Rabinal, and is currently completing a professional practicum experience for her Bachelor’s of Pedagogy and Human Rights. She is extremely grateful to have the opportunity to study at the university level; she is the first in her family to receive higher education. Along with her parents and siblings, she lives in a periurban community of Rabinal. Due to a lack of educational and economic resources during childhood, her parents have never experienced stable employment, so she has committed herself to simultaneously studying and working to help guarantee favorable economic conditions for her family.

A former Voces y Manos scholarship recipient, she is very excited to be working on climate change resiliency in Rabinal, and has been spearheading efforts to conduct participatory focus groups with community members. Addressing climate change is extremely important to her; she believes improving the agricultural and livestock practices of subsistence farmers is the first step in fighting towards a sustainable future for Rabinal.